January 2025

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January 2025

Hi everyone

I’ve had ANOTHER FET today. Wondered if anyone else is around this stage so we can go through it together.
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Re: January 2025

Hi Nevergiveup,

How are you feeling after your transfer?

I am starting medication next week so a little behind you. Feeling a little nervous about getting started and appreciate the support this forum can offer!

Lorelai x
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Re: January 2025

Hi ladies,
I’m having my third egg collection on Wednesday and then we’re going to be transferring a PGT-A tested embryo from our last collection, next Monday(hopefully).
Praying this little embryo sticks!
We will then PGT-A test and freeze our new Blastocyst’s, hopefully for a second baby! Xx
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Re: January 2025

Hi Lorelai

I’m feeling ok thanks. My last 3 transfers have gone really badly. They have been difficult getting the catheter in and the last one took so many attempts over about 30 minutes just to get that in. This one went so much better but still not straight forward. I don’t feel any different though. I’ve been taking it easy and making sure I’m keeping warm and eating well.

Is this your first attempt? Are you doing egg collection or a transfer? I hope you get on well with your meditation, are you feeling ok about it all? I find it helpful to go through this process with others, it can seem a lonely process sometimes and it’s only you guys that 100% get how you think and feel x
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Re: January 2025

Hi Stephlm

I wish you so much luck for your egg collection! How are you feeling about it? Hopefully everything will also go well for your transfer.

Is this your first transfer? Did you get many blastocysts from your previous egg collection?

If this one doesn’t work for me then we will have to start all over again with egg collection as this is our last frozen embryo from our last egg collection. I’ve had 3 egg collections now and absolutely dreading having to go through it again…. It’s a lot to go through isn’t it x
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Re: January 2025

Hi Nevergiveup,

Unfortunately not! So this is going to be a bit of an essay…..
This will be our fourth transfer.
We did a collection in Dec 23, which was dreadful, we got 2 eggs, 1 embryo - we transferred that and it failed to implant.
In February 24, we did a second collection; 9 mature eggs and 4 embryo’s. We did a fresh transfer, which
resulted in pregnancy and we had a missed miscarriage at 7.5 weeks.
Transferred the second embryo in July and thought we’d cracked it but then had a further missed miscarriage at 9 weeks 💔 We sent the products of conception off for private testing and found out we were expecting a baby girl 🥺 but they had Turners Syndrome. So we decided to PGT-A test our remaining 2 embryos. We lost one in the thaw process and the final embryo came back normal 😁
I was referred to the recurrent miscarriage clinic and as part of the tests, I asked them to check my AMH. My AMH had dropped from 21 to 16 in a year and I was pregnant for best part of 6 months of that so we decided to do a further egg collection now.
So here we are… Egg collection #3 Triggered!
I’m feeling super positive about tomorrow and I’m just praying our perfect little embryo sticks on Monday!
We will also be introducing Clexane for this transfer after my blood tests at the recurrent miscarriage clinic as my thrombophilia tests came back borderline!

I’m sorry to hear your transfers have been so difficult. My first one wasn’t easy but since then, they’ve used different equipment and they’ve been OK since. Have you had any successes after your previous transfers?
Collections aren’t the best experience are they but what I’ve struggled with most is the anxiety post collection, with the numbers game. I was devastated after our first collection. Hoping because we already know we have one to transfer, this one will be easier mentally. Who knows, this whole journey is a rollercoaster.

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Re: January 2025

Wow Stephlm you have been through a lot. Sorry to hear about the missed miscarriages I know exactly what that is like. Mine was found at a 15 weeks and induced at 16 weeks to deliver my little boy. At that age he looked fully developed and was so hard! He had Edwards syndrome but how we have been handled is so bad around it all and 10 months on still having to chase for answers to some questions, they keep passing it between drs and departments. We asked for tissue from his leg to be tested and signed the paperwork but it was never taken and done, only the placenta and because he had a mosaic type they can’t now 100% guarantee that he had it and it wasn’t just the placenta that was amongst so many other things.

My original collection was about 9 years ago after 6 IUIs that failed and timed trying with a trigger etc. we got 4 blastocysts. First fresh failed and then the first frozen took and I have an 8 year old with unexplained fertility problems. Then a couple of years later used my other 2 frozen embryos but both failed and during the last one found out that my husband was looking into child maintenance cost for 2 kids and dropping his pants for someone else… talk about having your cake and eating it!

Then I met someone else and naturally conceived but he wanted me to quote get rid of it and started seeing someone else. I wanted my baby so I did it by myself but when she was 6 months I met someone else who I’ve been with for nearly 5 years now and he has male fact fertility issues so we have done 2 egg collections and had ICSI.

My 2nd egg collection was disappointing because I had already ovulated prior to collection (short protocol) so only got 1 embryo and did a fresh transfer that failed. We then went back to the long protocol for the 3rd collection and got 4 blastocysts and the fresh failed and first frozen. Then we were waiting for my period to do my next FET which didn’t arrive because I got pregnant naturally by some miracle but he was my missed miscarriage I mentioned and then when we were ready (not that you ever really are after going through that experience) we did another FET and then over a week I got a positive test then negative then positive again and then negative which confused everyone so I asked for a blood test to confirm which care don’t do so had to go to my GP to get which proved I was no longer pregnant and it was a chemical.

This time I took aspirin from day 1 until 2 days prior to my FET to see if that helps but with being pregnant twice in the last year the consultant doesn’t think I have an issue with clotting but it was something to try. They graded them 2,2 and a high chance of success through caremaps so they just don’t know why they aren’t taking other that it could be chromosome related. We can’t really afford to test all blastocysts because it’s just so expensive on top of everything else.

I’m just hoping and praying that this one sticks and is happy and healthy!!!!!!

Good luck with collection and keep us updated. I get the anxiety. They always struggle so much getting my veins, like 6-7 attempts in both arms and hands and by then I’m sore and crying from them messing with me but this is all part of the process we have to go through to get our baby unfortunately x
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Re: January 2025

It sounds like you’ve been through it too!
My fiance has male factor infertility too, hence requiring IVF.
Losing our second baby at 9 weeks was horrendous but at 16 weeks, gosh. We had already had 3 scans and we were told our baby was measuring 9w1d, so a day ahead, we literally lost them in the 24hrs leading up to the scan. I did medical management the 1st time round and had an MVac the 2nd. I fought so hard for the nhs to test our babies but they kept telling me I hadn’t had enough miscarriages. Because having 1 clearly isn’t enough heartache! It was only after we got the private tests that we decided to PGT-A and we have decided to do PGT-A on our new embryos to try and save some heartache.
I have had to chase the recurrent miscarriage team so much for our test results and our ‘pregnancy plan’. All the appointments and chasing is exhausting isn’t it and it just causes so much unnecessary angst. But we’ll do anything as we’re desperate to become parents and finally have a baby!
I used asprin on my last cycle and have been told to use it with the Clexane this time round, too! I’ll start asprin after collection and carry it on until 36 weeks.
I have everything crossed for you!
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Re: January 2025

Hi Stephlm

I agree, loosing a baby is beyond heartbreaking but when you have to literally do battle with the hospital etc it makes the horrible experience even worse and for us it’s just dragged on so much. We are grieving our son but have to keep going over it all each time we chase drs for answers or an update. We were originally told to contact the department that found no heartbeat (I’d gone in at 15 weeks to have an amneo) and then after I’d had him and his funeral we chased for results to be told we had to go to gynae and then waited months for an appointment for the dr to say well I don’t know why they told you to come here because I can’t answer anything and it had to be a consultant back at fetal medicine. The doctor wrote to them and Sheffield hospital as it’d been referred there without our knowledge even though our local hospital said that they had our consent and asked them to speak with us, this was nearly 3-4 months ago and they asked us to put it in writing all our questions and they would hopefully sort before early Dec as the consultant was going off for several weeks and yet we are still waiting.
The trouble is fetal medicine said we could try again straight away if we wanted as it was safe, whereas they didn’t give the Edwards diagnosis to Sheffield hospital and they then told us 5 months after the birth that it was dangerous to my health to try again without having 6 months minimum of urine tests every 2 weeks which should have started straight away but my local hospital delayed notifying them for 4 months. It’s all been a nightmare!
Yet some of the questions are important as we want answers about what would and should happen in a future pregnancy as I should have more tests at 10 weeks instead of waiting for the general ones at 12 weeks.

Is it your egg collection tomorrow? Are you ready?
Who clinic are you with if you don’t mind me asking?

I’ve had a bit of an ache in my tummy around tea time for a bit but I’ve done a bit around the house today so not sure if it’s that or a good sign of implantation although I’ve never been able to feel that before. It can drive you mad thinking about if it’s working or not. I really really hope it is, fingers crossed 🤞 x
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Re: January 2025

That sounds like a horrendous experience. Sorry you’ve had to battle so much.
The tests/ scans at 10 weeks, is that NIPT testing?
We will get extra scans from 6/7 weeks and will be scanned every 2 weeks but they didn’t mention any tests. Id looked into NIPT testing (privately).
Yes, egg collection this morning. On our way now!
We’re at the Liverpool clinic.
Any symptoms are good symptoms, stay positive! X
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Re: January 2025

Morning Stephlm

How has the egg collection gone? Hope you got good numbers and you aren’t uncomfortable.

Yes the 10 week test is the NIPT blood test, which is usually done after the 12 week scan/blood test where it comes back at higher risk of downs, Edwards or Patau’s. There’s a further test after that which is more accurate which I had before but instead of waiting until after the 12-13 weeks we can have that at 10 weeks so we’d do that.

They also said in fetal medicine they would scan and they’d be more scans and be consultant led rather than midwife but my previous pregnancies were consultant led anyway as they do as standard with ivf and then I had a terrible birth the first time where we both nearly died so I was consultant led the 2nd time too due to the risk. But equally fetal medicine haven’t been helpful the last 10 months so who knows what will actually happen if I hopefully do get pregnant but I don’t want to be stressing about that.

When will they let you know if you can definitely transfer next week? x
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Re: January 2025


Collection has gone well, so far! We retrieved 12 eggs which is our best collection yet. Waiting to find out how many are mature/ fertilized.
Crossing everything for the numbers game! I’ve been taking so many more vitamins/ supplements this time round so hoping they’ll help with quality!

I really hope you have better luck with the nhs this time round. I honestly don’t know how they can be so insensitive at times. When is your OTD?

We’re targeting Monday for transfer and will find out that morning if our embryo is ready.

Hope you’re having a relaxing day today? Xx
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Re: January 2025

12 is really good and congratulations it being your best number so far, it sounds very promising. It is horrible waiting for the phone call. How often does your clinic keep you updated with numbers and how they are doing? Last time we were told they didn’t routinely let you know from I think when they fertilised to day 5 but I contacted them for an update and explained that if we were going to get bad news I wanted to deal with it mentally and emotionally 1-2 days prior to transfer so I was more prepared. They were happy to update me.

OTD is 23rd so will be half way tomorrow. I’ve tried to take my mind off it as much as possible doing a jigsaw, I did 1000 pieces in 2 days lol between school runs. I’ve taken it easy today other than preparing tea and obviously cooking it later because yesterday I did more.

Glad everything went well for you and make sure you rest up ready for Monday. Do you believe in the whole McDonald’s chips thing after egg collection? Lots of people do it don’t they. They say the salt can help reduce OHSS. I haven’t done it yet.

I’ve been trying to drink more this time. I don’t drink enough most days really so I’m making sure I have my 2 litres as a minimum but I’m fed up of constantly needing the toilet lol x
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Re: January 2025

We’ve typically had 2/3 calls. We’ll get one tomorrow to let us know how many fertilised and then we usually get a day 3 or 4 call but with it being a weekend, I think we’ll just get a call on Monday.

I’ve learnt water is key!! I didn’t drink enough on my first cycle and ended up bloated, constipated and so uncomfortable. I drank 3 litres of water plus got drinks during stims and I’ll try and keep that up as long as I can but yeah, the bathroom trips are a lot!!

I’ve never done the McDonald fries or pineapple or any of that! I just try and eat healthy and have lots of protein.

A jigsaw sounds like a good idea. Are you off work at the moment? I’ve taken a week off now so I can get lots of rest and can put my feet up ready for implantation!

Can’t believe you are half way already, do you think you’ll test early or wait until OTD? Xx
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Re: January 2025

I’ve always had more updates than my last collection. It’s like they are trying to save time/money by cutting out what they can but the amounts patients are spending compared to a 5 minute phone call to ease stress and anxiety doesn’t really compare. It’s just nice to be kept updated and know things are progressing well or the odd one or two dropping off rather than days later knowing half or more have gone. Just think it prepared you a bit and you don’t panic hearing loads go all at once but that might be just me but doubt it with what most people say.

Oh I got such bad constipation one time it was unreal, like over a week to the point I felt awful. The consultant at my fresh transfer told me to use fybrogel and just eat veg and a bit of fish, no meat because that makes it worse apparently and drink loads. All the stuff we put our bodies through eh…

So I got made redundant so I’m not actually doing anything atm. I help at my kids school for a couple of hours 2 days a week and then I’m just doing school runs and looking after my 2 kids and general household jobs. With the constant hospital visits etc and time off for appointments I’d never get through a trial period so we thought it was best to just take some time off to give us the best chance of this process working and living off one salary and savings. It’s not ideal because I get zero income and can get a bit isolating sometimes but I haven’t got the added issues with ‘work’ although it’s been a a long time now and it is frustrating not working sometimes but I do my parents business accounts so I’m doing bits.

I’ve never tested early other than last time and it was so confusing because I got a positive then a couple of days later a negative then another 2 days later a positive again and then negative which you can explain positives then a negative or the other way around but the nurses just said it was a chemical and a faulty test. It messed with my emotions so probably won’t test early just because of that, plus with my first I only got the faintest line after like forever, gone 5-6 minutes so maybe it just doesn’t show early for me.

Did you say this would be your first? How old are you and your partner? Have you been trying long? x
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Re: January 2025

Yes, this will be our first baby! Mark and I started dating in 2021, we had both been married previously. Mark and his ex went through fertility tests in 2017 so we knew when we started trying he had low sperm but we thought we’d be OK because I was ‘OK’. His ex had PCOS which is why they got tested. Anyway we started trying and after 6 months and EVERYONE getting pregnant around us, we got tests and were told that with the low sperm, we had a less than 10% chance of conceiving over a 3 year period so we then started IVF. We didn’t bother with the NHS as the waiting lists near us were ridiculous! We’ve been trying for 2 years now. I’m 35 and Mark is 37.

I had a call from the lab and I’m in complete shock, I actually can’t believe it. Out of our 12 eggs, all were mature and 11 fertilised successfully. We’re absolutely buzzing!

We’ll get another call on Saturday morning and have been scheduled in for the transfer of our euploid embryo on Monday afternoon. I haven’t been told about fybogel but I take psyllium husk as part of an ivf/ fet vitamin bundle which I think is similar!

I don’t blame you staying away from work, it’s a lot to go though and some things are more important! Hopefully it’ll all be worth it for you. Will this be your partners first child? I’m off work for a week this time and I’m so glad. Are you having any tests at the clinic during your TWW?

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Re: January 2025

Wow 11 is fantastic! Well done, no wonder you are happy with that. Are you doing ivf or ICSI? We did ICSI because of my partner’s results, there’s a few things on the low/lower side so they recommend that instead of just the ivf.

At 35 you are still at higher chances of achieving your goal. I was 37 at collection and 38 now so my chances have dropped a bit but I have been told 40-45% ish of them working for the last 3 and this one but clearly luck isn’t on my side.

My partner doesn’t have any biological children, just stepdad to my 2.

No tests or interaction with the clinic during 2WW unless I need the nurses for anything in particular, same as normal.

My sciatica has been playing with the last couple of days every now and again, niggling away. I’ve had it on and off since I was pregnant with my 5 year old. I’ve had a fair bit of tummy ache today, not sure if it’s pre period pain, implantation or because I needed the toilet… fingers crossed for the second one. I’ve also had itchy boobs, not sure if that’s a thing lol. They were a bit sore when I was pregnant last year with my little boy but never had any symptoms with my other pregnancies. I’ve made it half way through now at last. I bet this next week will drag.

How are you feeling today other than over the moon? Are you sore and tired? x
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Re: January 2025

Yeah, I’m made up with the 11. I had my AMH tested in November and it had dropped from 21 to 16 in a year, despite being pregnant for almost half of that! It seemed like a big drop, so given my age and we don’t have any children yet, we thought to give ourselves the best chance we’d collect again now. Hopefully our little embryo will implant and if it does, we wouldn’t then be collecting for 2 years ish from now. I was told by my clinic you have to wait a year after giving birth to collect again so we didn’t want to risk the same drop off for another 2 years!

We did ICSI with Zymot.

I’ve woken up feeling much more comfortable this morning, albeit the constipation is back after all the collection sedatives etc! Hopefully that’ll fix itself today! Still feel so tired though.

I had itchy boobs during my TWW both times I got my positives. I always say the boobs don’t lie and so long as they’re still tender/ itchy or larger than usual you’re onto a winner!

Can you do any exercises or and physio to help with you sciatica?

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Re: January 2025

That makes sense about doing another collection now rather than waiting especially as there is the concern with the AMH level decreasing.

I haven’t heard of ZyMot before, I’ve just googled it so will definitely ask if that’s something we should consider doing next time if this isn’t successful.

My boobs haven’t been as itchy today and they aren’t sore or tender etc. Not had as much tummy ache today either so who knows what that’s all about.

During my recent pregnancy I couldn’t stand the smell or taste of raisins, even the smell made me feel sick which I didn’t have anything like that with my other 2 pregnancies or cravings but I noticed today that the smell of raisins was a bit stronger than usual… who knows what that’s all about. Hopefully it doesn’t mean bad news again.

The drs haven’t given me any exercises to do previously with the sciatica but I could google some. It’s more an inconvenience rather than painful atm. It aches and is on and off rather than a constant so I’m hoping it goes quickly as it can last weeks and has done before with constant pain.

I hope your call with the clinic is positive news tomorrow. I will be thinking of you x
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Re: January 2025

Our consultant recommended the Zymot at the outset because of my fiancés sperm stats as it basically helps choose the best sperm from the sample.

I got another call from the embryologist this morning and I nearly fell off my chair, we still have 10 blastocysts and they’ve all been graded ‘Good’. I can’t believe it!

How are you doing with symptoms spotting? Feeling positive?

Any plans for this weekend? We’re off out for a meal this evening/ little date night!

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Re: January 2025

Wow that’s amazing! 10 is a fantastic number, you guys must be over the moon and definitely something to celebrate this evening. Hopefully you have a nice date night.

No symptoms today. I’ve had no spotting at all but didn’t with any pregnancy early on but bled with the first 2 around 6-8 weeks. Haven’t had tummy ache since Thursday I think it was. Boobs seem normal today. I’ve been tired today so had a little nap this afternoon, well what I could with 2 kids being noisy lol. That was probably down to the fact my youngest was awake around 1:30 and came into bed with me and then my eldest usually wakes around 6am and hasn’t figured out that using the door handle rather than just pushing the door is quieter lol.

5 days to go. I really need this to have worked because it’s been my 3rd collection and in total 8 transfers so over the years put myself through a lot and I really don’t want to start all over with another collection, I’m getting tired/fed up with it all and just want a happy and healthy little baby x
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Re: January 2025

Hi both,

Just catching up on your messages! I started medication at the weekend so now counting down the days to our first scan.

Firstly, I am so sorry for what you have each been through. Incredibly tough and unfair. I have everything crossed for you this time round.

My story is: Unexplained infertility, TTC for a while, first IVF/ICSI, 3 eggs collected, only 1 made it to Day 2, early transfer, unsuccessful (chemical pregnancy), second IVF/ICSI, 5 collected, 3 made it to day 5, one transferred (other two could not be frozen) and successful pregnancy and baby boy. So grateful. I have low AMH and its got lower since the tests before our first IVF round. Also my husbands results have declined so they have recommended ZyMot also.

I cant remember exactly the symptoms that I had last time but what I do remember is that they kept changing day by day. I think that as we are taking medication, it can really confuse symptoms. I am trying to just keep a positive hopeful outlook.

That said, I am nervous that I am not able to relax and sleep as well as I could last time so I am trying really hard to keep as relaxed as I can and drink lots of water. Please let me know if you have any tips from the stimulation stage.

Stephlm - your results this cycle are amazing. 10 is a fantastic number. How are you feeling today?
Nevergiveup - how are you today? Not long to go until your test date. I have everything crossed for you.

Lorelai x
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Re: January 2025

Hi both, hope you are ok.

Lorelai - I can’t remember too much of the symptoms from my 2 recent egg retrievals really. Just general tummy ache nearer to collections as overies were bigger and some headaches but can’t remember anything too bad. My first collection I can remember watching Corrie and within the first half I’d laughed, cried was annoyed and it had nothing to do with the storyline lol. I didn’t know whether I wanted to be happy or upset or both with 5 minutes sometimes so I’m glad several years later it was emotionally less exhausting from that point of view. I was still anxious, worried etc. I’d say just be kind to yourself and do what you think you need to.

I’m ok today thanks. No symptoms still. My boobs leaked a drop from each side Saturday evening but I read it can be down to progesterone which I’m taking 3 times a day so not really looking into that. I keep looking at what stage it should be at eg implanting, starting hcg etc if it has worked. I haven’t got a gut feeling if it’s worked or not. I hope so but even if it has and everything goes well until I’ve got bloods at 10 weeks etc I won’t be ok. I’m so worried that something will go wrong again, whether it doesn’t work or I loose it or I have to have it because it’s died and the trauma that goes with all those things as many of us unfortunately have to deal with.

Fingers crossed for Thursday. Hope you’re doing well with your meds x

Stephlm- how was the transfer today? Did everything go smoothly? Hope so.

Have you got your final results for your blastocysts yet? Did you manage to keep all 10? x
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Re: January 2025

I really have everything crossed for you Nevergiveup. It is so hard not to read and look in to the stage/day that you are at post transfer, and what is typical to feel for that stage. I like to read about everything.

What is the blood test at 10 weeks?

I think that we had a scan booked in for week 7 or 8 in my previous two cycles, although we didnt make it to the scan date in our first cycle as the positive test faded and I started bleeding. (chemical pregnancy)

How many days of stimulation did you have? I have counted the same number as last time for us and it falls at a weekend and they do not do collections then. I have called the clinic to ask how they ensure there is no risk of losing eggs as they get too big/mature.
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Re: January 2025

Hi girls,

We had our transfer today so we are pregnant, I’m being positive on this one so I’m dropping the until proven otherwise bit. Positive mindset and all.

I actually can’t believe it but our 10 turned into 11, the one they thought wouldn’t make it, rallied and is actually doing well. I’m just waiting a final update from the lab as to how the PGT-A biopsies went. We’re in shock, as are the embryologists!

I kept notes during all of my cycles so I could refer back to my symptoms. I tested super early on my last transfer as I had some spotting and feared the worst but it was positive. I then tested every day until my OTD. The TWW can send you crackers.

How are you finding the stims? All I can suggest is lots of water and rest!

Nevergiveup, not many more days left for you.

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