Sept / Oct 24

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Sept / Oct 24

Hi everyone, we are doing our second FET in Sept. Anyone else doing treatment in Sept / Oct?
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Re: Sept / Oct 24

Hi Lucy, how are you?
We are going to do a FET. I had my scan today and not quite where it should be so upped my meds and rescan next week.
Where abouts are you in the process? x
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Re: Sept / Oct 24

Hey, I'm also starting my 4th cycle. I had my down reg injection last week so will hopefully have the transfer at some point in October. Wishing you both lots of luck!
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Re: Sept / Oct 24

Hi both, thanks for commenting - wishing you both luck!
Nevergiveup - hope the new meds work quickly for you
Helen - that’s exciting, I’m sure you’re on the countdown!

I had a scan this morning and lining looking good so start progesterone on Wed and planned transfer on Mon.
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Re: Sept / Oct 24

Hi all, I’m having a transfer on Wednesday - first one of this group of eggs and third this year. So far, everything is looking good - we had 7/7 eggs survive the thaw and fertilise.
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Re: Sept / Oct 24

Hi Cheshirekat, I recognise you from some of the earlier cycle buddy boards. That’s great news about your thaw / fertilise. Hope the transfer goes well!
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Re: Sept / Oct 24

Hi everyone, how are you all getting on/feeling?

Helen hope everything is going smoothly with the meds

Lucy that’s good news with your lining. Adding some extra meds worked for me, my lining was 9.5 on Tuesday so I’m 2 days behind you, start progesterone on Friday and transfer on Wednesday

Cheshirekat that’s brilliant news, hope everything went well today

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Re: Sept / Oct 24

Hey, that’s great news about the lining, mine was 9.4 so very similar! I’m sure you’re pleased to have a date for transfer! Have you done FETs before? I

How did the transfer go cheshirekat?

I started progesterone yesterday. Actually felt a bit nauseous this morning but a bit better now!
Mmc 2019
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Re: Sept / Oct 24

Hi Lucy sorry to hear you are not feeling that good, I’ve had heartburn this morning which I don’t normally get but not sure why.

Yeah I’ve had an FET before. My story (roughly) is various IUIs and planned trying with a trigger around 10 attempts all failed, fresh ivf failed, first frozen attempt worked and now 8 years old. Further 2 FET failed. Then husband cheated and left. Then fell pregnant naturally and 2nd child 4 years old. Been trying ICSI, 1 fresh and 1 frozen failed. Then fell pregnant naturally at the end of last year as we were going to start FET. Everything was looking well in care scans and 12 week but bloods at 12 weeks came back high risk for Edwards and Patau’s so had further tests which only came back higher risk for Edwards so booked in for further testing and scan and we found out baby had passed away. It was and still is the worst experience of my life, having to give birth to a baby you can’t take home and having to arrange a funeral. We are now in a better place, although nothing will make it ok but we are as ready as we can be to try again x
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Re: Sept / Oct 24

Oh never give up, really sounds like you’ve had a really rough time! That is an away lot to go through but great that you’re feeling as ready as you can for another cycle. Really have everything crossed for you!

I had my progesterone blood test today and booked in for transfer on Mon so fingers crossed!
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Re: Sept / Oct 24

Morning ladies, I got my progesterone blood results back today. It was in the early 30s (after 2 days of being on cylogest) whereas last time (after 4 days of cylogest) it was in the 60s. I don’t know if how long you are on it has any bearing on how much is in your system!
Anyway they’ve said I need to top it up so have offered me daily lubion injections or prontogest injections every 3 days (half the price of lubion).
Have any of you taken these and have any thoughts on the difference between? The nurse said they are equally as effective so kinda wondering why I wouldn’t go with the cheaper one that I have to take less often!
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Re: Sept / Oct 24

Lucy that’s a shame about the blood results. My clinic asked if I wanted to be tested on the day of the transfer or the day before so I’ve opted to do it the day before.
I’d assume the longer you take it the more will be in your system. I’ve not had either injection but I’m on 3 pesseries of the progesterone daily. I think that’s because my fresh cycle last summer I bled a bit during the day but it must have been a dip in the progesterone.
Maybe before committing see if they can retest, it might save you having the injections but then it’s a bit late for meds. If I had to choose then I’d go for the cheaper every few days than more expensive every day, at least you get a bit of a break. It can be a right pain thinking about getting back home for meds etc.
Hope it goes well for you on Monday!
P.S. thanks for your kind words x

How is everyone else getting on? X
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Re: Sept / Oct 24

Thanks never give up. Transfer seemed to go smoothly!
I went for the prontogest in the end. It looks like such a big needle because it has to reach the muscle. I have done all my other injections myself so I am not looking forward to my husband doing this one!
Mmc 2019
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Re: Sept / Oct 24

I’m glad your transfer went well today Lucy, it’s always a relief when it’s done. How are you feeling?
I’m having my blood test tomorrow which is always a NIGHTMARE!!!! They end up trying 3-4 times at least with multiple people every time I need to give blood. I’m hoping my levels are ok. They have to be over 45 don’t they? What’s a good level though?
I’ve had a bit of tummy ache today and I’m really tired. I seem to have totally different symptoms this time around than any other 😬
I don’t envy you with those injections, hope they aren’t too bad.
Fingers crossed and I’ll be joining you on Wednesday all being well x
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Re: Sept / Oct 24

hey all,

Doing my 4th FET tomorrow - 1 miscarriage so far and 3 BFNs. Nerves are building.

The cyclogest making me tired, headachey and crampy doesn't help!

Lining is good, waiting for the P4 results from this morning and have an IVIG infusion later today.

Fingers crossed for us all! <3
Started process in March 2019
ER X 3 2019 - 1 embryo
FER November 2019 - BFN

2021- Wife 4xIUI BFN
2022 - ER wife - 3 embryos ❤️
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Re: Sept / Oct 24

Hi Rebecca, it’s always nerve racking isn’t it. I’ve just had my blood test to check progesterone but they don’t give results until we are there for the transfer… I just want to know to prepare. They also don’t inform you how the thawing goes either.

I’m feeling the same with being tired, try and rest as much as you can today and the next few days. Have you tested embryos and is it a good grade? We haven’t tested and before freezing they said it was top quality but my last fresh transfer was the same and that ended in disappointment.

Hope everything goes well for you tomorrow x
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Re: Sept / Oct 24

Hey everyone, exciting news about never give up and Rebecca both having transfers this week!

I agree - the cylogest does make us so tired!
I’m feeling pretty exhausted today after the transfer yesterday, more so than on previous ones, but I think it’s a mix of emotional energy and the extra progesterone from the injection. It wasn’t as painful as I’d feared but the injection site was sore for a long time.

Never give up - which clinic are you at? I’m at Woking. They do the blood test 2-3 days before the transfer and give up the results same day or the next morning. I think it needs to be around 50? My last result was about 60 and they were very happy with that. Whereas this time it was closer to 30.
Do the clinic call you on the morning of the transfer to say the embryo had thawed? I’ve started asking if all cells have survived and if it has started expanding. Not that it really tells me much but just interested to know!
We haven’t don’t PGT-A testing but we did caremaps. Oddly one of our embryos with lower traditional scoring, scored quite highly on caremaps but then didn’t survive the thaw. Whereas we had two others which were 1:2 and 2:1, both scored 3 out of 10 on caremaps and did survive. So I think you just can’t tell!

Hope you can distract yourself Rebecca and that it all goes smoothly!
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Re: Sept / Oct 24

Lucy I’m at Nottingham. I asked about the blood test and the nurse says they like it 45 or above. She also said that they won’t get the results until tomorrow morning because they have to be sent to London. I had my blood test around 10:30am. The nurse said they will only contact me transfer morning if my bloods come back not good or if the embryo doesn’t thaw… so I’m hoping no phone calls or I’ll panic!
We had care maps and ours they will try to put back is graded 10 out of 10. Last time they sent a few second video of our embryo turning into a blastocyst, it fascinates me, that was also graded 10 and didn’t make it and then in between I fell pregnant naturally but he didn’t make it to full term unfortunately which I’m feeling super nervous about as I never want to experience that again.
I’m hoping it’s going to go well because it’s a good quality blastocyst and I’m on lots of medication and my body can obviously do what it needs to as I’ve recently been pregnant.

Fingers crossed for us all!

Rebecca where is your clinic? Are you feeling nervous or excited? X
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Re: Sept / Oct 24

Ahh interesting how the clinics are different! Well 10/10 is the best you can ask for so fingers crossed that this is the one. Sounds like it’s your turn for some good luck!
The embryoscope videos are amazing aren’t they!
Mmc 2019
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Re: Sept / Oct 24

I really hope so Lucy! I really don’t want to do all this again.
How often do you have to do your injections? They’ve only mentioned lubion or something that could be added if my bloods are low. This is the first time they have tested for that though x
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Re: Sept / Oct 24

Hi both - good luck with the transfers today!

Never give up - I went for the prontogest injections which only have to be done every 3 days.
Mmc 2019
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Re: Sept / Oct 24

Hi how is everyone doing?
How did your transfer go Rebecca?

I’m still in a fair bit of pain/discomfort. It took 20 minutes for my catheter to go in. I’ve had a c section and have scar tissue and every time it hit that I flinched and it just wouldn’t move around that. After lots of attempts they were just about to get a different type of catheter out when it went in. It felt like the catheter was made of razor blades. My consultant was aware of the problem they have inserting it the last 2 times so we had a plan to use a different type of catheter which worked last time but just wasn’t wanting to work. All the forcing made me bleed which wasn’t good.
I rested a bit and the pain has eased a little and I’m not having blood when I wipe now, sorry if tmi. I’m still sore and in discomfort but I’m resting for the rest of the evening. I’m so tired too. I woke up early this morning at 5am with tummy ache and nerves.
After all that we were told we have a 2:2 hatching blastocyst onboard.

Now the dreaded TWW. What’s everyone’s test date? I know some clinics do slightly different times. Mines 15th x
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Re: Sept / Oct 24

Hey nevergiveup,

Sorry the experience was so tough! And I don't think you need to worry about TMI really, at this stage I think we're all past caring about sharing our bodily functions with people. I've had so many people looking up my va-jay I feel like one of those binoculars at the sea side.


Hope you're feeling better today, the important thing is you have a lovely little blastocyst snuggling in so fingers crossed.

My transfer went well. We had planned to put two in this time, but then got a phone call from the clinic (the embryologist is a friend of ours which is actually quite nice, she's excellent at her job and so lovely) and the weaker of the two embryos hadn't survived defrosting. So I was a bit upset about that but we marched on.

THEN when we got to the clinic, the embryologist came in and said she'd taken another look, and enough of the embryo had survived that she thought it was worth a go. So we popped two in as planned, the chances of both implanting are slim but worth a go. So they are both day 5 blastocysts, one is an excellent grade (she actually upgraded it when it defrosted) and one is a bit wonky. That one was always a little bit wonky (we've called it Willy Wonko from the start) but look, who knows.

I had a bit of cramping during the procedure so the doctor put me on magnesium citrate to try and help with smoothing things out. Trying not to overthink things but not doubt I'll be bananas by the end of the TWW.

My test date is 15th also!
Started process in March 2019
ER X 3 2019 - 1 embryo
FER November 2019 - BFN

2021- Wife 4xIUI BFN
2022 - ER wife - 3 embryos ❤️
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Re: Sept / Oct 24

Hi Lucy/Rebecca
Hope you are feeling ok and not going crazy yet googling… I’m about to resort to that for tips I should try lol.

Glad your transfer went well Rebecca and that you still managed to put the second one back, it might pick up now it’s where it should be all snuggled up.
I’ve not heard of the magnesium before but I’m taking a multivitamin so maybe there’s a bit of something like that in there.

I had a little clot before bed about the size of a thumb nail, dark red/brown. Then a little on wiping a couple of times but nothing major. Had a good night’s sleep and nothing overnight but some brown streaks when wiping this morning so not ideal but it’s not red fresh blood so that’s a good sign.

I’ve had a little walk this morning on the school run but now going to sit and rest. I’ve got a little tummy ache but it’s fine while resting and loads better than yesterday x
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Re: Sept / Oct 24

Hey, glad that both of your transfers went ahead!
Never give up - that sounds really painful , poor you. Hope it’s all feeling a bit better now.
Rebecca - sounds like a bit of a stressful morning but great to put both of them in. That’s so nice that you know the embryologist! It really helps when you can form a bit of a bond with the team.
I had a little bit of cramping on Tue & Wed. I also had literally a tiny dot or two of red blood on both days.
Haha I agree about no such thing as TMI - I’ve lost count of the number of people who have been up close and personal :lol:
My test day is Friday 11th Oct but I will def be testing early! We are going away for a long weekend on the 11th for our anniversary so if it is positive I would need to get more meds delivered.
Mmc 2019
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IVF journey begins 2024
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3rd cycle - FET July - CP
4th cycle - FET Sept - BFP
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