It is bloody hard, it just feels never ending and a bit all encompassing really! Get to a point where it's hard to plan things longer term or do other life things - or at least that's how I find it anyway. Planning on going to see a friend in Denmark in the summer and I had to give her a window of when I knew I definitely wouldn't be in a 2ww or having scans
Yesterday was a bit annoying - just felt a bit achey/crampy mainly just on one side. I felt sick this morning after my breakfast of toast and now have lower back pain so it's getting a bit frustrating. Like you say it could be something or nothing or knowing me it's totally in my head
Your Saturday sounds nice- hope you managed to find something distracting to do today?
I have mainly chilled and done some light gardening (making sure I don't do any heavy lifting or awkward twisting). I quite like reading in the garden when it's sunny - need to make the most of it up north