November 2022

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Re: November 2022

@stargirl Not long for you to go now! Eek how exciting! How are you giving birth? I've opted for a planned c-section.

Hip pain has just started for me, but it's being caused by sleeping on my side and the extra pressure caused by my extra weight. I've put a foam mattress topper on and that's sorted it :D

It's getting very real now! I have a room full of baby stuff and baby shower in a couple of weeks! Quite shocking to think in May i'll have an actual baby - can't quite believe it!
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Re: November 2022

Hey ladies.

I’m not sure if anyone still keeps an eye on this chat but I wanted to check in and see how everyone is getting on?

Siba / Stargirl - hopefully all is well with you both? It must have been your due dates last month if I remember rightly xx
Fresh transfer Nov ‘22 - MC
FET #1 March ‘23 - MC
FET #2 July ‘23 - MMC
PGT-A 2 x ❄️ left
FET #3 March ‘24 - EDD 07.12.24 ❤️
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Re: November 2022

Hi @kmor

How are you getting on? I'd love to hear how everyone is getting on.

Yes I occasionally check to see if anyone has any updates but it seems to have gone quiet. And i'm also not sure how much people want to hear about my progress as I can imagine it might be triggering to some.

Everything's going fine my side. Well, I was recently diagnosed with borderline gestational diabetes and now have to inject insulin every night, but I should be having a c section in about 2 weeks so as soon as that's happened and the placenta is out, the diabetes will disappear thankfully.

The hospitals are all fully booked which is worrying me! I had a call yesterday offering me a hospital i'm totally unfamiliar with so i turned it down and said i really would prefer my chosen one (I'm super familiar with it now as i've gone so often and trust the staff). So we'll see what happens. I'm sure they're all good really, i just feel very vulnerable now at this late stage of pregnancy and would prefer the hospital where i already know my way around, etc.

I think Stargirl has probably already had her baby as she was ahead of me.

Hope everyone is ok

KMor wrote: Tue May 07, 2024 10:17 am Hey ladies.

I’m not sure if anyone still keeps an eye on this chat but I wanted to check in and see how everyone is getting on?

Siba / Stargirl - hopefully all is well with you both? It must have been your due dates last month if I remember rightly xx
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Re: November 2022

Oh Siba, sorry to hear that. Hopefully you’re not feeling too rubbish with it. Bet you thought the needles were behind you by this point but exciting that just 2 weeks to go now. Hope you’re well otherwise.

Also not great on the hospitals - I’d be the same as you, you kind of set your heart on a plan. I hope you’re able to go to the one you chose! Everything crossed for you.

So I’m actually just under 10 weeks pregnant following my last transfer. I have my midwife appt today and it’s all feeling very surreal but staying cautiously optimistic. It feels totally different this time and I haven’t suffered with the agonising anxiety that I had last time but I think a lot of that is probably the 9 month break I had…. Just a few more weeks until I can properly try and relax into it though but it’s the furthest we’ve ever got :-) xxx
Fresh transfer Nov ‘22 - MC
FET #1 March ‘23 - MC
FET #2 July ‘23 - MMC
PGT-A 2 x ❄️ left
FET #3 March ‘24 - EDD 07.12.24 ❤️
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Re: November 2022


I check in from time to time but like Siba said, it had gone quiet but I’m so pleased to hear from you both now & always thinking of everyone.

@Kmor - 10 weeks is fab well done! I’m glad to hear you’re feeling less anxious and in assumedly in a bit of control? Please keep us updated and not long until your 12 week scan now.

@siba - the last part is so stressful and I think the trauma of ivf and your journey seems to just resurface towards the end and you’re just totally over medical intervention but want them here safely - it was like that for me anyway.

My baby girl arrived 3 weeks ago via induction and we’re just in total shock that she’s here and she’s ours! Feeling incredibly grateful, but mostly in shock haha.
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Re: November 2022

Hi All,
I have been keeping an eye on this as well as I knew some of you were due soon.
@stargirl congratulations on your baby I hope you are all doing well I can imagine the shock of finally having her with you x
@siba hope you get through the next few weeks OK so sorry that you have the hospital stress though. Please keep us updated
@Kmor glad to hear you are 10 weeks hope everything goes OK keep us updated.

I am enjoying with 3 cats one is a kitten so he is keeping our life busy looking forward to holiday in America in September this year and starting to plan for next years holiday
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Re: November 2022

I’m so sorry, I disappeared again for weeks on end :-)

So I’m officially past the 1st trimester! I had my NHS scan on Wednesday and baby is doing good, which I’m so relieved about. My expected due date is 7th December and my nausea seems to have gone now, thank goodness!

Stargirl - HUGE congratulations on the birth of your baby girl. How are you all getting on? Does it feel real yet? Haha

Russellg - so lovely to hear from you too and glad to see that you’re on with planning all your lovely
Holidays! Sounds like you have your hands full with the cats :-) where in America are you going?

Siba - I hope you’re doing well and that baby has arrived now
Fresh transfer Nov ‘22 - MC
FET #1 March ‘23 - MC
FET #2 July ‘23 - MMC
PGT-A 2 x ❄️ left
FET #3 March ‘24 - EDD 07.12.24 ❤️
Posts: 145
Joined: Tue Aug 23, 2022 2:04 pm

Re: November 2022

Hi everyone!

Congratulations @kmor I’m so happy for you! ❤️ I hope everything’s still going well. Good luck with the sickness, I hope you’re one of the lucky ones who doesn’t get it too bad.

Huge congratulations @stargirl on your baby girl! ❤️ I hope you’re settling into motherhood and aren't too sleep deprived.

@russellg sounds fun with the cats. That kitten 🐱 will keep you busy for a while!

As for me, I’m now the proud mama of a baby boy called Luca 👩‍🍼 born by planned caesarian on 20th May. We’re both doing really well and he’s fit and healthy - he was a whopping big chunky 4.6kg / 10lb2oz! (and was delivered at 39 weeks, so god knows what he'd have been if I'd waited for him to come naturally! 🫣)

In the end they gave me a place in my preferred hospital and I couldn’t fault the experience I had. I feel almost fully healed already so we’re going on our first family park walk this afternoon.

We couldn’t be happier and I really hope everyone reading this gets their dream to come true too.

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Location: Aldershot

Re: November 2022

@siba congratulations that is wonderful news and I am glad everything went well.
@kmor glad that everything is going well for you as well. I am going to Orlando in America have not been since 2010 so looking forward to a busy week of fun.
Yes our kitten is keeping us very busy x
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Re: November 2022

Hi guys,

Congratulations on your little ones Siba and Stargirl! Hope you are all doing well.

Lovely news KMor, hope you are getting on ok.

Exciting about your holiday Russellg. My sister is moving to South Carolina for a year soon so we are talking about a possibly Xmas holiday in Orlando.

I can’t remember how much I have shared with you all. After our first miscarriage, we had a chemical pregnancy in July 23 and then another MMC in Nov 23 (although I knew it was happening as felt the same as the first time so I pushed for treatment). I have just got the results back from a test I paid for at Tommys clinic in Coventry and have found out at the time of transfer my womb lacks the stem cells needed to maintain a pregnancy but has enough of those needed for implantation. Explains why I have got pregnant every transfer. The treatment is a 12 week course of medication and then we can try again. Hoping for my report today so I can upload it to my clinic and take it from there. Glad to have found a problem but also wishing I had looked into it earlier as we only have 1 good embryo and 1 poor quality left.

Fresh Transfer Aug 2020 BFP 💙
FET #1 Nov 22 MMC
FET #2 June 23 CP
FET #3 Oct 23 MMC
Posts: 127
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Re: November 2022

Hi ladies.
Sorry I’ve been MIA for a little while!!
Russelg - your holiday sounds wonderful. I hope you have the best time!

Siba - HUGE congratulations. How are you getting on? Luca is a beautiful name

Applecart so lovely to hear from you! I’m so glad you got an answer, great that you’re able to start treatment but can totally feel the disappointment for you from not knowing and having to go through that journey. Have you started your medication?

I’m now 23 weeks pregnant which feels very surreal and we are having a little boy. The sickness is still here but totally manageable after the 1st 14 weeks or so, so I’m just dealing with it and feeling v grateful so that helps a lot! Xxx
Fresh transfer Nov ‘22 - MC
FET #1 March ‘23 - MC
FET #2 July ‘23 - MMC
PGT-A 2 x ❄️ left
FET #3 March ‘24 - EDD 07.12.24 ❤️
Posts: 145
Joined: Tue Aug 23, 2022 2:04 pm

Re: November 2022

Hi Kmor how are you getting on? Has the sickness finally stopped? Congrats on having a boy - boys are amazing and everyone says easier than girls.

Luca is nearly 6 months now! 😮 can't believe how big he is and we're due to start weaning in 2wks.

I have 2 frozen embryos left and I've been wondering what to do. If I was younger I'd definitely have another but at 44 by the time I'd have another I'd probably be 46 and I don't know I just feel like that's old. If I don't use them I'm thinking I'll donate them to a family (assuming I'm able to donate them as there is a higher chance of downs etc).

Hope everyone's doing well xxx
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Re: November 2022

Hey all, how are you all doing? I don’t know if you check in still here or not.

I’m getting the ivf itch … thinking we need to start thinking about going again soon but I’m breastfeeding still and the clinic have advised that I need to have stopped at least 3 months prior to a transfer. We’ve got one embryo left which makes me veeeery nervous since we’re very close to the reality of another full round.
Posts: 343
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Re: November 2022

Hi Stargirl,

How are you? And your little girl?

Funnily enough I haven’t been on here for ages but have just started my FET cycle number 4. No IVf last year just treatment for a problem we found so feeling very overwhelmed to be back in this world!

That’s interesting about transfer. I stopped breastfeeding as my son seemed to naturally wean just after his first birthday and we didn’t start talking to the clinic until a couple of months later so I didn’t realise that was a rule. Maybe they asked me at the time and I have just forgotten.

I sent a message for a Feb cycle group but no reply yet. Maybe there isn’t anyone around cycling at the same time though it has only been a couple of days.

Fresh Transfer Aug 2020 BFP 💙
FET #1 Nov 22 MMC
FET #2 June 23 CP
FET #3 Oct 23 MMC
Posts: 371
Joined: Sat Nov 12, 2022 12:21 pm

Re: November 2022

Applecart wrote: Thu Feb 13, 2025 6:52 pm Hi Stargirl,

How are you? And your little girl?

Funnily enough I haven’t been on here for ages but have just started my FET cycle number 4. No IVf last year just treatment for a problem we found so feeling very overwhelmed to be back in this world!

That’s interesting about transfer. I stopped breastfeeding as my son seemed to naturally wean just after his first birthday and we didn’t start talking to the clinic until a couple of months later so I didn’t realise that was a rule. Maybe they asked me at the time and I have just forgotten.

I sent a message for a Feb cycle group but no reply yet. Maybe there isn’t anyone around cycling at the same time though it has only been a couple of days.


So good to hear from you! We are doing well thank you. Can’t believe she will be one in April.

How are you feeling about the FET? Have you decided to do a new protocol with this transfer too?

I’m at the clinic on Thursday for a scan and consultation so we can get a plan in place for our final embryo transfer hopefully July/Aug of this year.

The forum seems quiet these days to be honest.
Posts: 343
Joined: Sat May 04, 2019 5:54 pm

Re: November 2022

I had a biopsy at a miscarriage research clinic in the end and he found that I was lacking in stem cells needed to maintain the pregnancies to 12 weeks so have been on a course of medication. Fingers crossed this was the missing piece! Protocol is the same.

Hope all goes well Thursday, I’m sure it will.

There was a group for Jan with quite a few people but yes it does seems quiet generally doesn’t it’. Shame as it was so supportive during my rounds of treatment to have others to talk to.

Fresh Transfer Aug 2020 BFP 💙
FET #1 Nov 22 MMC
FET #2 June 23 CP
FET #3 Oct 23 MMC
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