Anybody starting PGD cycle soon?

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Anybody starting PGD cycle soon?

Hi Ladies
We are due to start down regulating on 11th Feb ish and wondered if anybody else out there was starting a PGD cycle around the same time??? This will be our first cycle so am excited but terrified at the same time

Had appointment at Notts with PGD nurse today to show us how to do injections and it wasn't half as bad as I thought!


take care x
Me 31 Hubby 35
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Hey Springer

We have spoken in the past and wanted to wish you the best of luck with your cycle xx
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Ah, thank you so much meadsylou. Will start down regulating on 10th feb, excited but terrified too!!! Still seems to be ages away. Hope things are going well with you x
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Aww its not that scary, promise xx My cycle went ok, found the testing part of it very stressful. We had one embryo transferred and I am very happy to say that we are now eight weeks pregnant, fingers crossed for the next seven months. Will be watching your progress and here if you have any questions, good luck xx
5th attempt Dec 12 Array Notts - Baby Amelia miss you baby girl xxx
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Hi Springer
I had my 1st PGD cycle in November, which failed, but for reasons that no-one could have anticipated so don't worry! I have to have 3 af's before allowed to start again so hoping, haven't just waved off the 2nd one, that we'll be able to start down-regging, on long protocol, 1st week in March, long as Notts can fit us in. So will be about a month behind you at best, but if you'd like someone to share your journey and experiences with, i would do so happily! I've been through it and sometimes its good to hear from someone whos been there, rather than just scaring yourself online! I know that I found the injections much easier after seeing the nurse, than beforehand - I'd been frightened by so many people that the reality really wasn't that bad! And neither was the down-regging or stimming - so if I can make any of it any easier for you, just shout!
Meadsy was a great cycle buddy of mine end of last year and she's been our fab success story, we're all so happy for you Meads!!
Love Treacle
4 mc's
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Meadsy Lou - I am really pleased for you, congratulations :-) And I am sure there will be plenty of Q's!!!

Thank you Treacle, that would be really good. I'll start my down reg injections on the 10th Feb so a couple of weeks to go. Am a bit anxious due to my bad experiences with Clomid (was in hurrendous pain) and because my AF count was half of what it should be at my baseline scan (not good when potentially 50% of embs we wont be able to use anyway), but am hoping that was just because I was on the pill.. I do feel a lot better about the injections since seeing the nurse last week, couldnt believe it didnt hurt! Have started to take my mother to be vitamins and trying to be as healthy as possible in preparation for treatment to start :-)

I bet that you are excited about starting your next cycle - lathough time seems to go really slow when your waiting doesnt it?!

thank you again, and I'll shout if there are any Q's

Me 31 Hubby 35
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I've never experienced Clomid so I can't really comment - but i had a well-meaning, very good friend, who'd cycled the year before me, a cycle that failed for her but she got pg naturally the month after!, absolutely scare me to death with how painful and awful the whole experience was, and I was really dreading it - but actually, when it came to it, i found the jabs pretty easy and it became second nature after a few days, I almost missed doing it when it was over! I did find the stimming drugs a bit harder, but only because I'm really clumsy and not great with my hands, and mixing the menopur was quite tricky for me - but luckily, my hubby is very dextrous and had been looking for an excuse to feel like he was helping me so he did it!! Towars the end of stimming, I did get pretty bloated and uncomfy in the last 2-3 days before collection, but didn't realise at the time that this was the start of my OHSS - really hadn't expected it to happen to me as text books all say its pretty rare and only happens to 10% of people - I always did fall in the minority!
I had confirmation from Karin, the PGD nurse at Notts, yesterday afternoon, that as long as Hep B tests, being done in couple of weeks, come back fine, we'll be good to go hopefully 7/8 March - so good to finally have something bit more concrete to aim for.
You're in great company here Springer and ask whatever you want to, if we can answer it, we will!
4 mc's
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Ok, on day 11 of down reg injections and they are getting a bit easier, I don't spend quite as long working up to it now :-) one thing I have noticed though is that for the first 5/6 days they stung for a while afterwards but that seems to have stopped now, is that just my body getting used to the drugs?
Hopefully period will arrive in the next few days so I can get booked in for down reg scan.
Hope you are all looking after yourselves
Me 31 Hubby 35
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Sounds like you're doing well, you'll be at the really exciting bit soon!!
Pleased the jabs have stopped stinging now, I had some that did that too and sure nothing to worry about.
My period was only 2 days late in my last cycle so sure yours won't be long now, hang on in there!
I finally got my 3rd period and it felt great to finally ring Care on Friday to announce it! - for once, there was a good reason for a period! We have an official start date of 8th March so less than 3 weeks to go now - blimey, think how far along the road you'll be by then Springer!
Keep in touch and let us know how you're getting on
4 mc's
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Thinking of how long this all was coming, it does seem to get going quite fast now that we have started :-) Period is a day late, but have been having a few minor 'twinges' so hopefully it'll arrive in the next day or so. I've tried to plan my work diary for the two weeks the PGD nurse predicted for ec and et so I hope it doesnt wait too long to make an appearance! Im glad to hear that you had 'stingy' injections and then ones that werent, I was worried soemthing had happened to the Buseseilin.
Not really had many side effects which I was told to expect thankfully. Just been a bit tired and nauseous now and then.
Also not missing the alcohol which has suprised me :lol: not that I drank a lot, but did like a few glasses of wine at the weekend.
Really please you have your start date. So much better when there is something to aim for!
Fingers and toes crossed for our cycles xxx
Me 31 Hubby 35
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I didn't really have any side effects to down regging either, was surprised, but happy!! I was ok with the menopur for most of the time too, it was only the last 3-4 days when I got especially bloated, but know that isn't normal, it was the OHSS. They've changed my stimming protocol this time because of that, just praying that it won't reduce my egg numbers by much - if I can't get a viable embryo out of 17 eggs, my chances may not be good next time if I've even less!
Oh well, time to stop being negative and worrying now, have 3 weeks to get myself some PMA - and throw some your way too!
Let us know how your next scan goes xx
4 mc's
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Hi Treacle, Hi Springer

Im going to be joining you on the old bandwagon again shortly, only having FET this time so no downregging or stimming. All going well should be having transfer early April, so shouldnt be too far behind you Treacle.
All the best x x x
2 x ISCI 2006 BFN
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Hey Warla!
Nice to hear from you again, us two need to stop meeting like this!!
You must feel fairly relieved that you don't have to go through the whole process again, will have everything crossed for your little embie to defrost beautifully and get snug in a much warmer environment!
We were pretty lucky last time that down-regging only took about 14 days in total and then stimming the same so hoping, fingers crossed, that we'll be ready for collection early April, maybe around your transfer - you could be ahead of us - who knows? Ive had my stimming protocol changed to avoid the OHSS this time so worried it could take longer but as we know, can't predict anything, have to wait and see. Just want to get started now - 16 days and counting!! How are you feeling about it this time? How many embies do you have frozen?

Howz things Springer?
4 mc's
Longer-for son born 2008
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Hi Treacle

Just the one blast frozen. Maybe the lucky one? I feel ok about it really, kinda just want to get on with it. Its last chance saloon for us this time, no more funding and havent got the money to go again. But in a way Im calm about it, if this is to be the end of the road then we can accept it and move on. We have got our beautiful daughter and I will always be grateful for that, although we would absolutely love her to have a brother or sister.
Cant believe how quickly we both seem to be starting again, only seems like 5 minutes since we were here last time!
2 x ISCI 2006 BFN
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Hi Ladies

Wishing you all the luck for you fostie Warla :-)

I'm fine thanks Treacle. Still waiting for AF, like you said when you want it to actually make an appearance it decides to be awkward! Still working on the same bottle of Buserelin (on day 13 now, they seemed to have put loads more than 5.5mls in it!) so will just keep getting on with it.

Sending positive thoughts :-)

Me 31 Hubby 35
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Down reg scan finally booked in for Friday so if all goes well I should be able to start stim on Monday (nervous about this bit as I usually get quite a bit of pain associated with ovulation and the time leading up to it because of my endo, but period hasnt been half as bad as usual this time so fingers crossed....)

Feeling a bit down for the past few days, but think its just all of the hormone upsets :-( Trying to keep things in context. Also had a bit of a battle getting scan sorted as I am satelliting to a local Care for monitoring and they weren't very quick at sorting anything out (although I am a bit impatient!).

Hope things are well with you. Not long until you start again now Treacle :-)
Me 31 Hubby 35
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Hi Springer!
Sorry I've been absent for a while, usually I'm an absolute geek on this board!! Think I've had to take a bit of time out of the board to psych myself up and get ready for cycle 2 -and you're right, not long at all, one week today to be exact!!
Although very nervous this time after what happened to us in the 1st cycle, I am starting to get excited now, I jsut want to get on with it, 8th march is the big day and can't come quickly enough!
Good luck for Friday, let us know how the scan goes.
Please try not to worry about stimming - I have a history of endo too and thought it had come back but a lap a year ago showed it not to be the case - however, I still get chronic ovulation pains, sometimes more painful than my actual periods, also no walk in the park! So I was dreading stimming for the same reasons - but honestly found that there was no pain at all. Odd twinges now and then and closer to EC, bloating and bit of cramping got uncomfy but as I've said before, that was the OHSS and not normal - I jsust expected that if ovulation was awful, stimming would be 10 times worse, but it absolutely wasn't the case so hope that makes you feel a bit better! Maybe the pain is when the egg actually leaves the follicle and guess that in an ivf cycle, it doesn't actually leave the follicle, its taken out so maybe thats why it doesn't create the same pain? Whatever the reason, its good news!
Keep us posted
Warla - any updates from you?
4 mc's
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Thanks Treacle, I feel a bit better about it now. Fingers crossed it doesnt cause me any pain issues either. Hopefully I'll be all ready to go on Monday :-)
Take care of yourself (and I know what you mean about having to take some time away sometimes :-) )
Me 31 Hubby 35
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Scan went well on Friday so they want me to start stim on Tuesday then have my first monitoring scan on Saturday. Going to be 3 injections a day which is quite daunting.... They've got me on a really high dose too so am anxious about that, but will try not to think about it :-) Spent yesturday arranging all of my drigs now that i know what they are for, lol. hope all is well with you Treacle, next week so not long! Xxx
Me 31 Hubby 35
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Oh, one thing I was going to ask you was I've been injecting into my tummy and have mastered that but they want me to do the two stim injec in my legs, is this where you've injected? Any tips (the needle looks bigger so not impressed!!)? Should I pinch the skin as I do on my tummy to get needle in? What were you told about sex during stim ( forgot to ask)? Ok that was more than one question :-) any tips greatfully appreciated x
Me 31 Hubby 35
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Hi Springer
Sorry, I didn't get the usual notification that you'd posted so only just looked at the board now!
Really chuffed that scan went well on Friday, blimey, really exciting bit to come now, well done you! Do you mind me asking why you have to have 3 injections a day? I guess Buserelin or whatever your DR drugs are, will be one, but do you have 2 stimming injections? Why is your dose so high? You don't have to answer if you don't want to, I'm just interested!
I've never injected into my legs before, last time, DR and stimm drugs were both in my tummy - no a good thing though in the sense that my tummy got pretty sore towards the end - so maybe some in your legs will distribute it a bit better! The needles are a little bigger but I didn't notice any difference really so sure you'll be fine, you're a master at this lark now!
We were never told anything about sex last time round - we had sex during Dr'ing just on the off-chance that we'd have one of these amazing stories about getting pg during the cycle, you hear all the stories dont you?! But we then just decided, for whatever reason, that once stimming started, it wasn't a good idea, at least not unprotected anyway! I've read Zita Wests book on IVF and she mentions that the DR'ing drugs wouldn't do any harm at all if you got pg but doesn't mention anything about the next stage - sorry I can't help anymore, I'd be inclined to ask clinic.
I'd give them a call about the leg jab as well, ask them easiest way to do it. Good luck hun, be thinking of you - and by the time you inject that 1st stim, I'll be 48 hours from starting myself, yeahhh!!!!
4 mc's
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Hi Treacle

My 3 injections are Buserulin for DR and 2 stims Menopur and Gonal F (probably spelt them completely wrong!) Apparently Nottingham consultants often like to use a combination of stims rather than just one... They are putting me on 300 of Menopur and 150 of Gonal F (a lot!). My consultant said that I would be on a high dose as my follicle count was only 6 (half of what theyd expect apparently) and because they want as many eggs as possible due to 50% potentially not being suitable due to genetics. Ive been told what to look out for in terms of over stim and they are only leaving me to have 4 doses before my first monitoring so hopefully everything will be OK. It seems to be getting so close really quickly now, exciting! Really busy at work too so time seems to be flying!

My tummy is getting a bit tender in places now too just from DR inject so it probably is a good idea to 'spread them out' It's a psychological thing with me, I always have to work up to sticking the needle in and its never that bad! think I might be there for a while doing 3 :shock:

Trying to increase my protein intake too, anything I can to get as good a quality eggs as possible :)

So are you going to be on long protacol??? Have they altered your stim dose this time?

Me 31 Hubby 35
TTC since 2009
4 cycle clomid
severe endo pain :-(
First PGD cycle march 2012 BFP!!!!!
Beautiful baby girl born 12.12.12.
Posts: 103
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Hi Springer, Hi Treacle

Been away on my jollies so havene been on for a while....

I've injected in my legs before, purely due to bad bruising on my tummy, didnt have any adverse affects with delaying DR or stimming or anything. Think my stomach was glad of a rest!

Nothing happening here, just waiting for next AF but not for a couple of weeks. Unfortunately may be a possibility we have to put it off for a couple of months though, my daughter may possibly have to go into hospital for a couple of weeks around the same time as I would be having ET, but fingers crossed it wont come to that.

Hope you both doing ok, and fingers crossed for successful cycles all round x x
2 x ISCI 2006 BFN
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Hi ladies, nice to see you both on here today!
Springer - I've just looked at my protocol, I was on 350 of menopur last time and developed OHSS so theyve had to change it this time to try and stop that happeing again but still give me lots of eggs, for the same reasons as you - I had 17 last time from 18 follies at my initial scan. This time I'm a bit like you as will be having Gonal F and menopur - only 75 menopur this time adn 300 Gonal F - I didn't realise they were seperate injections but of course they have to be so I'll be in your club! You'll have to tell me how it is doing 3 every day as I'll be learning from you soon ratehr than the other way round! I am pleased they're trying to manage the OHSS risk this time but tad worried that I now won't produce many eggs, I didn't get a good one from 17 so know what I'll be like if I get a lot less!
It is long protocol again for me - start day on Thursday is my day 21 so will DR until Af arrives and then go for 1st scan. AF was only couple of days late last time so hoping for easy run of early stages again like last time.
I'm another protein addict now! Try to have eggs or nuts in my brekkie somewhere and ensure lunch and dinner has either fish, meat, eggs, cheese or something protein like in it! Guess I'm extra aware of the protein thing as there is a chance my eggs are knackered, forgeting my chromosomal disorder, so need to try everything I can - may also order myself a protein shake tin too as quite like them!
Hi Warla - sorry to hear about your little girl, hope its nothing too serious and she recovers quickly, must be awful having a little one in hospital, touch wood, since we left hospital with our son, we've only had 2 A&E visits, both fairly minor, but major at the time! Let us know what you decide and how things go.
Nice to be keeping each other in touch and share some support xxx
4 mc's
Longer-for son born 2008
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ICSI with PGD Oct 11 - 8 embryos, non viable
ICSI Apr 12 - 9 embryos, non viable
DE Nov 12 - cycle cancelled
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An early morning visit from me! For once we are ready for Nursery early so I have a spare 5mins!!!

Its nothing serious shes going to be in for (if at all). She has Cystic Fibrosis (reason we have PGD), and she has been growing a particular bug in her lungs for a couple of months which isnt going with oral antibiotics, so if it shows on another cough swab then they will consider 2 weeks of IV's again. We were in for 2 weeks last April as well so it looks like it may be a yearly occurance. Really makes us consider whether another child is the best thing right now, but you know what its like when you've got your heart set on something....

All this talk of injections make me glad Im only doing FET! Although I will still be on clexane if I get as far transfer. One injection a day doesnt sound that bad compared to 3.

Right, best get madam off to nursery. Love to all x
2 x ISCI 2006 BFN
natural BFP 2008
PGD Nov 2011 - BFN
FET April 2012 - BFN, errrr hang on.....BFP!! Not meant to be......MMC
PGD May 2013 BFP
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