Egg collection - not as bad as some reports!

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Joined: Sat Jan 26, 2013 4:52 pm

Egg collection - not as bad as some reports!

I went for egg collection today and after reading plenty of forums I was getting myself in a bit of a state worrying! I just wanted to post on here to say that my experience really wasn't as bad as some of the reports would have you believe. I had the temazepam a dicolfenac suppository and the option of gas and air when I was in. It's uncomfortable but more in a flinch kind of way, I had the gas and air for the second ovary but managed the first without. And afterwards I've been left with period like pains nothing unbearable! The staff were brilliant and the nurse that sat with me was great at taking my mind off what was happening chatting away to me, I think I should have shared the gas and air with DH as he looked petrified, I think it's sometimes easier for us women because we know how it feels and the poor guy just think the worst!
This is our first attempt and we have everything crossed that my our little eggies survive the weekend and we can have ET next week!! They retrieved 10 eggs but they have a question mark over one of them and we are having ICSI.
Not sure how well ill sleep tonight having to wait for the phone call in the morning to let us know if any have fertilised!
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Hi hopek

I had ec last year and I found it totally fine too. Good luck for your et this week x
Posts: 42
Joined: Sat Jan 26, 2013 4:52 pm

Thank you!! Only 2 fertilised, we were due for ET today (day 3) but they want to leave it another day and do a day 4 transfer (which I don't know much about!) both embryos are grade 1 and one is 8 cell and one 7 cell so they said they can't make a call on which to use! The waiting is terrible, I'm scared every night that they won't make another night! This waiting is worse than the injections and EC! I'll be a nightmare during the 2ww.
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You will be fine, to even get to this stage you need to be strong.
i cant wait till im on the 2ww think i will be the worst this forum has ever seen i have no patience at all and my DH is dreading it!!
I wont be on 2ww until mid march as i start down reg on thursday
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Joined: Tue Sep 09, 2014 9:01 pm
Location: Bangladesh

I have an experience for sperm collection. And you are going to collect eggs. It is much better to collect egg or sperm for In vitro Fertilization.
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