Sounds like we are all having lots of anxiety this weekend.
On the symptoms, I definitely had a couple of days where my boobs suddenly didn’t feel sore at all but now they are back to feeling sore again. It really worried me but I think it must be normal for symptoms to come and go, maybe it is hormones fluctuating?
I am headachy again today too
Lindalu - I’m sorry you’ve still got the brown bleeding, hopefully the is is just normal for you with this pregnancy but totally understand the anxiety you are feeling.
I am drinking gallons of water
Nark - hope your husband is ok, try not to panic, even if you do get it, it could be mild and have no impact on the pregnancy. Like the others say try to isolate if you can or open windows to keep fresh air circulating.
RPishopeful - glad you’ve had some reassurance from EPU but understand the anxiety until the scan next week when hopefully you will be able to see that it has progressed.
Hope everyone else is ok and managing to pass the time somehow! X